Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the funeral arrangements you have requested from us:

Responsibility for payment in requesting the funeral arrangements you are responsible for payment of our account. We require payment in full prior to the funeral taking place, even if the account is with the Solicitor or DWP. If you intend to make an application for a D.W.P Funeral Payment you should be aware that if the application is successful, any payment will normally only settle the funeral account in part. In such circumstance, or where an application is not successful, you accept full liability for any outstanding balance.

Estimates · the cost of the funeral arrangements on the Confirmation of Funeral Arrangements form is an estimate only. You should be aware that you may be requested to pay more than that estimate when the funeral has been performed and all costs have been finalised, as a result of any extra services or changes to the arrangements which you request. Wherever practicable we will advise you, in writing if possible, or otherwise orally, in advance of the funeral of the effect of any of your requests on the final cost.

Our charges · if the estimate of our costs will be exceeded by more than 10% as a result of your requests and we are not able to inform you of this in advance of the funeral, the relevant changes or extra services will be provided without charge.

External payments · as part of the funeral arrangements, you may have requested us to instruct other suppliers to provide services for the funeral. These services are listed on the Confirmation of Funeral Arrangements form with an estimate of the cost for the services. The actual cost will be included in the invoice for the funeral arrangements, although it is our policy to request payment in advance for these services. We act as agent, for these other services. As these other services are not provided by us, we do not accept responsibility or liability for the supplier when he or she provides the services. We will, however, take responsibility for our own negligent actions, or breach of contract, should these occur, in selecting or instructing the supplier

Valuables · we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that jewellery and other valuables received by us are taken care of, but unless it is due to our own negligence, or breach of contract we do not accept responsibility or liability for any act or omission in relation to jewellery or other valuables by someone not employed by us, and in particular where any jewellery or valuables are displayed for viewing.

Interest ·if our invoice is not paid as mentioned above, we may claim from the client any reasonable and foreseeable losses we incur as a result, from the date of the invoice until payment is received. If the invoice remains outstanding, we may transfer your debt to another company for collection. If we do this, it will be pursuant to a deed of assignment between us and the other company and this clause is notice to you of that assignment. PROFESSIONAL CHARGES Arranging and Conducting the Funeral Before the Funeral Availability of professional staff, 24 hours a day, to fulfil your requirements by telephone, at your home or in our offices; advising you and taking your instructions in respect of funeral arrangements; liaising with and making payments to external parties on your behalf e.g. clergy, doctors, crematoria or burial authorities; providing advice and guidance on registration of death and Benefits Agency procedures; preparation, collection and distribution of all documentation necessary to allow the funeral to proceed legally.

On the Day of Funeral Providing a funeral director and all the necessary personnel to carry out the arrangements in accordance with your instructions and the provision of ongoing assistance thereafter.

Caring for the Deceased Person For the attendance of our staff, the provision of a suitable vehicle and the equipment necessary to bring the deceased into our care; preparing the deceased as appropriate and dressing in own clothes or gown as required; laying to rest in the coffin or casket selected; providing the facilities to care for the deceased until the funeral, including, if desired, viewing at any time by appointment.

This Confirmation of Funeral arrangement is complete at the time of issue. Further or amended Instructions received will be confirmed in writing, if possible, before the day of the funeral. The total of our charges is accurate at this time. Additional Instructions from you may vary this amount. However, any variation will be confirmed in writing.

We aim to offer a complete service to help you through this difficult time. We are available at all times to answer any questions you may have and to offer whatever assistance you may require.

The personal data provided by you is controlled by Ash Brook Independent Funeral Directors, 28 Mulfords Hill, Tadley RG26 3JE.

The personal data we gather will be processed for the purpose of administering and making the funeral arrangements, processing credit card payments and to contact you regarding the funeral arrangements. In processing the funeral arrangements, we may pass on your personal data to third parties, for example (but not limited to), members of the clergy, doctors, cemetery or cremation personnel and credit agencies. By completing this arrangement form you are expressly consenting to the collection, processing, disclosing or transferring of your personal data, including sensitive personal data, for the purpose of arranging and administering the funeral.

It is our responsibility to supply you with goods and services that meet your consumer rights. If you have any concerns that we have not met our legal obligations, please contact us